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Drowning Prevention

Enroll your child in survival swim lessons that prioritize safety over fun.
You do not want your child to only think that water is fun and not also have respect for water.
Look for lessons that teach survival skills (roll to float / swim, float, swim).

Designate a Water Guardian to supervise children ANY TIME there is access to water (including pools, buckets, ponds). 69% of children who drown do so when they are not swimming. Do not let down your guard inside.
Have LAYERS of protection in place.

Install an isolated 4-sided fence with a self-closing, self-latching fence.
Levi drowned in a pool that did not have a separate barrier between the house and the pool. Yes, they are expensive, but your child's life is worth it.
We like Lifesavers pool fence.

Children should not use puddle jumpers when learning to swim, because they create a false security.
However, in OPEN WATER (lakes, oceans, rivers), EVERYONE should wear life jackets at all times. Teenage boys- usually strong swimmers- are especially at risk for drowning in open water.
Water Safety For Ages 1-4:
Levi's little sister, Willow learning to self rescue
Drowning is the #1 risk of death for ages 1-4. This age group is MOST at risk. The majority of the time, toddlers drown when they are not supposed to be near water but somehow reach it alone.
Toddlers need LAYERS of protection: dead bolted doors, door and pool alarms, designated supervision when in a house with access to water, 4-sided fence around the pool, and the ability to SELF-RESCUE in water.
Say NO To Puddle Jumpers

Water Safety For Teens:
Teens are the next age group most at risk, and they most often drown in natural water (compared to pools for toddlers). Unlike toddlers, teens who drown usually are strong swimmers. But, natural water is dark, deep, and has dangerous currents.
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